Luca Reggiani received a honors degree in Electronic Engineering in 1998 and a PhD in Electronics and Communications in 2001 from the Politecnico di Milano (Italy). He had been a visiting scholar at the CMRR (Center for Magnetic Recording Research) c/o University of California, San Diego in 1999. As a consultant he has collaborated with several industries in the field of wireless communications and magnetic recording. Since 2003, he has been assistant professor at Politecnico di Milano in the telecommunications area. Since 2002 he has been teaching in courses on Signal and Transmission Theory and in courses on Wireless Communication Systems. He has joined to Italian and European research programs, especially in the field of cellular radio broadband systems and personal short range UWB (Ultra Wide Band) systems. In the Dipartimento di Elettronica ed Informazione his research interests are focused mainly in the following topics: information and communication theory (iterative codes, channel estimation, synchronization, multiple access, radio resource allocation), broadband radio systems, short range Ultra Wide Band radio systems, wireless sensor networks. His main publications and patents are in the physical layer of telecommunications and radio transmission.