Associate professor

Research areas:
Giuseppe Passoni obtained his PhD in Hydraulic Engineering in 1992 on Steep Waves Impact on Vertical Walls. In January 2005, he was appointed as associate professor by the School of Civil & Environmental Engineering at Politecnico di Milano. Since 1993 he has taught Fluid Mechanics and Maritime-Coastal Hydraulics. He took part in many Research Projects funded by public institutions (Eur.Comm., It.Min.Univ.&Res. - MIUR, National Res. Council - CNR, JRC-Ispra, Regional Adm. - Reg.Lombardia) and by private companies (TEI Env. Eng., ENEL, Whirlpool Europe, Fresenius-Kabi, RACO, EDF). He is author of more than 30 peer reviewed journal papers spanning from fundamental to practical problems of environmental and industrial fluid mechanics by means of numerical methods and also physical models.