Full professor
Flavia received the M.Sc. and the Ph.D. Degrees in Electrical Engineering from Politecnico di Milano, Italy, in 2002 and 2006, respectively, where she is currently a Full Professor with the Department of Electronics, Information, and Bioengineering (DEIB). From March 2008 to March 2009, she was with the Electromagnetics and Space Environment Division of the European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC) of the European Space Agency (ESA), Noordwijk, The Netherlands, as a Research Fellow.
Flavia’s research activity centers around Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), and focuses on theoretical and experimental characterization of electromagnetic interference phenomena via lumped and distributed circuit modeling, statistical techniques, and includes the development of innovative test procedures for unit- and subsystem-level EMC assessment of avionic, automotive, and power systems.
Particularly, Flavia contributed to the theory and practice of the bulk current injection (BCI) technique, by developing circuit and electromagnetic models of BCI test setups, and investigating the possible correlation between noise injection through BCI and distributed field-to-wire coupling effects in wire bundles. Also, she worked on the development of deterministic and statistical models, based on transmission line theory, for predicting the radiated immunity characteristics of complex wiring harnesses, and the undesired mode conversion in differential lines due to imbalance.
Flavia received the Best Symposium Paper Awards from the 2015 Asia-Pacific International Symposium on EMC (APEMC) and the 2018 Joint IEEE EMC and APEMC Symposium. She received the URSI Young Scientist Award from the 2008 URSI General Assembly, and the IEEE EMC Society Young Scientist Award from the 2016 Asia-Pacific International Symposium on EMC. In 2016, she received the Richard B. Schulz Best Paper Award for her paper published in the IEEE Transactions on EMC in 2015.
Since 2007, Flavia has been a member of the IEEE EMC Society. In 2013, she was elevated to the IEEE Senior Member grade. She is currently serving as Chair of the IEEE EMC Society Technical Committee “Low Frequency EMC,” and as Secretary of the IEEE EMC Society Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) for the term 2020-2022.
She is currently serving as an Associate Editor for the following IEEE journals: IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, IEEE Letters on Electromagnetic Compatibility Practice and Applications, IEEE Access. She regularly serves as a reviewer for several EMC and Signal and Power Integrity (SIPI) conferences as well as international journals, and, since 2015, she has been recognized as a Distinguished Reviewer for the IEEE Transactions on EMC.
She is currently coordinating the research Unit at Politecnico di Milano for the project European Training network Of Ph.D. researchers on Innovative EMI analysis and power Applications “ETOPIA”, call H2020-MSCA-ITN-2018, which involves a consortium of six universities and 18 partner institutions committed to training twelve early stage researchers in EMC in Power Systems.
She taught and teaches courses of Circuit Theory, EMC, and Signal and Power Integrity at Politecnico di Milano and in foreign universities, and she is serving as Chair for the Electrical Engineering Track of the Honours Programme Scientific Research in Information Technology.
Since January 2021, she is serving as Coordinator of the Board of the Study Programs in Electrical Engineering of Politecnico di Milano.
Flavia’s research activity centers around Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), and focuses on theoretical and experimental characterization of electromagnetic interference phenomena via lumped and distributed circuit modeling, statistical techniques, and includes the development of innovative test procedures for unit- and subsystem-level EMC assessment of avionic, automotive, and power systems.
Particularly, Flavia contributed to the theory and practice of the bulk current injection (BCI) technique, by developing circuit and electromagnetic models of BCI test setups, and investigating the possible correlation between noise injection through BCI and distributed field-to-wire coupling effects in wire bundles. Also, she worked on the development of deterministic and statistical models, based on transmission line theory, for predicting the radiated immunity characteristics of complex wiring harnesses, and the undesired mode conversion in differential lines due to imbalance.
Flavia received the Best Symposium Paper Awards from the 2015 Asia-Pacific International Symposium on EMC (APEMC) and the 2018 Joint IEEE EMC and APEMC Symposium. She received the URSI Young Scientist Award from the 2008 URSI General Assembly, and the IEEE EMC Society Young Scientist Award from the 2016 Asia-Pacific International Symposium on EMC. In 2016, she received the Richard B. Schulz Best Paper Award for her paper published in the IEEE Transactions on EMC in 2015.
Since 2007, Flavia has been a member of the IEEE EMC Society. In 2013, she was elevated to the IEEE Senior Member grade. She is currently serving as Chair of the IEEE EMC Society Technical Committee “Low Frequency EMC,” and as Secretary of the IEEE EMC Society Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) for the term 2020-2022.
She is currently serving as an Associate Editor for the following IEEE journals: IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, IEEE Letters on Electromagnetic Compatibility Practice and Applications, IEEE Access. She regularly serves as a reviewer for several EMC and Signal and Power Integrity (SIPI) conferences as well as international journals, and, since 2015, she has been recognized as a Distinguished Reviewer for the IEEE Transactions on EMC.
She is currently coordinating the research Unit at Politecnico di Milano for the project European Training network Of Ph.D. researchers on Innovative EMI analysis and power Applications “ETOPIA”, call H2020-MSCA-ITN-2018, which involves a consortium of six universities and 18 partner institutions committed to training twelve early stage researchers in EMC in Power Systems.
She taught and teaches courses of Circuit Theory, EMC, and Signal and Power Integrity at Politecnico di Milano and in foreign universities, and she is serving as Chair for the Electrical Engineering Track of the Honours Programme Scientific Research in Information Technology.
Since January 2021, she is serving as Coordinator of the Board of the Study Programs in Electrical Engineering of Politecnico di Milano.