Research assistant
Miles Turner is currently a research fellow at the Department of Electronics, Information, and Bio-Engineering (DEIB) of the Politecnico di Milano investigating and modeling EM wave propagation at EHF and optical frequencies. He earned his MSc and BSc degrees in Aerospace Engineering in the years 2021 and 2023, respectively, from the Georgia Institute of Technology located in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. As a graduate student researcher during his time at Georgia Institute of Technology, Miles played a pivotal role in the development of two CubeSat satellites set to launch in 2024 and 2025, and the exploration of alternative energy sources for space applications, particularly in the realm of Space Solar Power.
In addition, Miles collaborated with NASA on the development of a GPS-denied navigation solution for the lunar south pole using Ultra-wideband technology. Miles has published and presented his paper "Modular Development of an SPS with Electromagnetic Small Satellites" at the 72nd International Aeronautical Conference in 2021. Apart from Miles’ main research, he collaborates on projects including optimization, reinforcement learning, machine learning, robotics, and embedded systems, to advance technologies and solve complex challenges for a variety of aerospace projects.
In addition, Miles collaborated with NASA on the development of a GPS-denied navigation solution for the lunar south pole using Ultra-wideband technology. Miles has published and presented his paper "Modular Development of an SPS with Electromagnetic Small Satellites" at the 72nd International Aeronautical Conference in 2021. Apart from Miles’ main research, he collaborates on projects including optimization, reinforcement learning, machine learning, robotics, and embedded systems, to advance technologies and solve complex challenges for a variety of aerospace projects.