Full professor
Gianpaolo Cugola was born in Catania (Italy), on July 15th, 1970. He attended the Liceo Scientifico G. Galilei in Catania, graduating in July 1988. He received his Laurea degree (cum Laude) in Electronic Engineering from the Politecnico di Milano in July 1994, presenting a thesis titled "Un approccio logico alla gestione delle inconsistenze nel processo di sviluppo del software" (i.e., "A logical approach in managing inconsistencies in software processes"). In November 1997 he obtained his Ph.D degree in Information and Automation Engineering from the Department of Electronic and Information of the Politecnico di Milano presenting a thesis titled "Inconsistencies and Deviations in Process Support Systems". In August 1998 he received the 1998 Prize for Engineering and Technology from the Dimitri N. Chorafas Foundation for his Ph.D. thesis. Currently he is an associate professor at the Politecnico di Milano, DEI. During 1996 he has been involved in the ESSI project n. 21244 - MIDAS, whose goal was the assessment and improvement of the software development process of SIA, a medium Italian software factory. In October 1997 he has got a position as an assistant professor at the University of Italian Swiss in Lugano. His primary research interests are in the area of Software Engineering.