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Office: 058
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Campus: Como-Anzani
Floor: 2°
Office: 022
Ph.: 7619
Personal Page:
Assistive Technology Group (ATG) http://atg.deib.polimi.it/
MEP Project http://www.deib.polimi.it/eng/research-projects/dettagli/247
IFML online editor: http://www.ifmledit.org/
Sara Comai is associate professor at the Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione of Politecnico di Milano since March 2007. She received her Ph.D. in Ingegneria Informatica e Automatica from Politecnico di Milano on January 13, 2000.
Her research interests include the specification, design and automatic generation of complex Web applications. In particular, she contributed to the language WebML, a visual notation for the conceptual specification of large Web applications. Her focus was mainly on the analysis of the composition and navigations models of such language with the aim of identifying useful properties for the specification of correct hypertexts. The study of WebML and of its semantics have given a contribute to the book "Designing Data-Intensive Web Applications" published by Morgan Kaufmann in December 2002, co-authored by Sara Comai. The book has been translated in Italy in 2003 by McGraw-Hill with the title "Progettazione di dati e applicazioni per il Web". She studied also several extensions of WebML for the design of advanced Web applications integrated with workflow and Web services, and Rich Internet Applications (RIA). Her recent works concern the study of the semantics of IFML (Interaction Flow Modeling Language), an OMG standard that supports the platform-independent description of graphical user interfaces for devices such as desktop computers, laptops, mobile phones, and tablets. . In particular, she partecipated to the design of the tool IFMLedit (http://www.ifmledit.org/), an online editor for the design and automatic generation of crossplatform applications from IFML.
Since 2012 she works in the Assistive Technology Group (ATG – atg.deib.polimi.it), a multidisciplinary working group whose mission is to "identify, predict, implement, promote and apply innovative methods and technologies for the development of sustainable solutions for people with frailty (disabled, elderly, etc.) to guarantee the recovery of functionality, social integration, equal opportunities, health, self-determination and quality of life ". Sara is one of the group coordinators and contributes to multidisciplinary research with her knowledge on data management and user interfaces. Her main recent activities are related to: a) development of applications to provide services to support indoor mobility of older people and wheelchair users in hospitals or nursing homes, and enable them to follow safe routes to reach destinations considering their needs and / or limitations (ALMA project – AAL program); b) Development of a technological platform that extends the concept of smart home and offers flexible and customizable services to support people with fragility, to allow them to live at home as autonomous as possible (ADALGISA project – Smart City program of Regione Lombardia); c) Development of tools and solution to enrich geographical maps with information about accessibility for wheelchair users and for people with limited mobility (MEP project - Map for Easy Paths - http://mep5x1000.wixsite.com/mepapp).
She organized some workshops and tracks in international conferences and was member of several program committees of international conferences and workshops. Currently, she teaches Algorithms and Data Structures, Database Systems 2 and Computer Graphics.