Assistant professor

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Mirco Pezzoli was born in Alzano Lombardo (Bergamo), Italy, in 1993.
He received the Bachelor degree (cum laude) in “Informatica Musicale” (Computer Music) at Università Statale di Milano in 2015 and the Master degree in computer science engineering (cum laude) within the Sound and Music didactic track at Politecnico di Milano in 2017. After the master, he joined the Image and Sound Processing Group (ISPG), under the supervision of Prof. Augusto Sarti and Prof. Fabio Antonacci, working mainly on spatial audio and musical acoustics. In 2021 he received the Ph.D. in Information Technology at Politecnico di Milano with a research focused on the field of spatial audio, specializing in sound field reconstruction and extended audio reality. His work encompasses a diverse array of research areas, most notably the application of machine learning combined with classic model-based processing to analyze the acoustics of environments and musical instruments.
In 2023 he joined the Departmento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria as a junion assistant professor participating to the FUNMedia project within the Italian RESTART foundation, his research work is targeting novel solutions for networked music performances and immersive audio contents.
Additionally, he participates to the REPERTORIUM HORIZON EU project, which has the ambitious goal of enabling the streaming of orchestra concerts with 6 Degrees of Freedom (6 DOFs) spatial audio.
He is reviewer for several conferences and journals including IEEE Transaction on Audio Speech and Language Processing, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), The Journal of Acoustical Society of America and more. He participated to the organizing committee of ISMIR 2023 as co-chair of Virtual Technology, Social Media and Website.
He received the Bachelor degree (cum laude) in “Informatica Musicale” (Computer Music) at Università Statale di Milano in 2015 and the Master degree in computer science engineering (cum laude) within the Sound and Music didactic track at Politecnico di Milano in 2017. After the master, he joined the Image and Sound Processing Group (ISPG), under the supervision of Prof. Augusto Sarti and Prof. Fabio Antonacci, working mainly on spatial audio and musical acoustics. In 2021 he received the Ph.D. in Information Technology at Politecnico di Milano with a research focused on the field of spatial audio, specializing in sound field reconstruction and extended audio reality. His work encompasses a diverse array of research areas, most notably the application of machine learning combined with classic model-based processing to analyze the acoustics of environments and musical instruments.
In 2023 he joined the Departmento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria as a junion assistant professor participating to the FUNMedia project within the Italian RESTART foundation, his research work is targeting novel solutions for networked music performances and immersive audio contents.
Additionally, he participates to the REPERTORIUM HORIZON EU project, which has the ambitious goal of enabling the streaming of orchestra concerts with 6 Degrees of Freedom (6 DOFs) spatial audio.
He is reviewer for several conferences and journals including IEEE Transaction on Audio Speech and Language Processing, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), The Journal of Acoustical Society of America and more. He participated to the organizing committee of ISMIR 2023 as co-chair of Virtual Technology, Social Media and Website.