Wearable Wellness System (WWS), Smartex srl
A sensorized shirt is a wearable device capable of acquiring various physiological signals. The Smartex Wearable Wellness System (WWS) consists of a sensorized T-shirt and related electronics, which allows the detection of electrocardiographic (ECG), respiratory and accelerometric signals. The system allows the acquisition of signals both in "offline" mode, with data saving on the SD memory internal to the electronics, and in "online" mode, thanks to a Bluetooth connection with a PC, smartphone or tablet. The WWS system has the following features:
- Two woven electrodes for the acquisition of the ECG signal at one lead
- An integrated sensor for the acquisition of the respiratory signal
- Sampling frequencies: 250 Hz for the ECG signal, 25 Hz for the respiratory signal and 25 Hz for accelerations
- Automatic detection of R peaks and calculation of beat-to-beat RR distance (and heart rate)
- Battery life: 30 hours with recording on internal memory; 12 hours with data transmission via Bluetooth
- Memory capacity: over 400 hours of recording
- SmartScope software for Android PC or tablet.