AI-technology-based Dementia Screening: detecting cognitive decline of Elderly People using speech analysis

Speaker: Prof. Shohei Kato (Dept. of Computer Science, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology)
DEIB - Emilio Gatti Conference Room (Building 20)
February 23, 2024 | 11:00 am
Contacts: Prof. Francesco Trovo'
Research Line: Artificial intelligence and robotics
DEIB - Emilio Gatti Conference Room (Building 20)
February 23, 2024 | 11:00 am
Contacts: Prof. Francesco Trovo'
Research Line: Artificial intelligence and robotics
As progressing hyper-aging society, rapidly and potentially increasing people with dementia is known in developed counties, Japan, U.S., and European countries including Italy. It's no doubt about dementia is one of the pressing challenges in developed countries. To solve this problem, early detection of cognitive decline from elderly people in daily life is desired. This talk introduce Signal processing technique and machine learning technology into detection of cognitive decline from elderly speech.
Shohei Kato is a Professor of Nagoya Institute of Technology (NITech), a Head of Computer Science, and a Director of NITech AI Research Center. He received the Doctor of Engineering from NITech, Japan, in 1998. He joined Toyota National College of Technology from 1998, and joined NITech as a Lecturer from 2002, as an Associate Professor from 2003, and as a Professor since 2015 to present. His current research interests include artificial intelligence and affective computing in robotics, machine learning, and computer engineering in medicine and biology.