Professore Associato

Gian Guido Gentili was born in Torino in 1961. He graduated in Electronics Engineering at the Politecnico di Milano in 1987 with a thesis on Mode-matching techniques for planar circuits (advisor prof. G. B. Stracca). In 1988-89 he was granted a scholarchip and cooperated with the Microwave Group, Dip. Elettronica, Politecnico di Milano.
At the end of 1989 he became a CNR researcher. In 2001 he became a senior CNR researcher. In 2002 he became an Associate Professor at the Politecnico di Milano. His research interests concern in the field of numerical methods for electromagnetics and passive microwave circuits.
At the end of 1989 he became a CNR researcher. In 2001 he became a senior CNR researcher. In 2002 he became an Associate Professor at the Politecnico di Milano. His research interests concern in the field of numerical methods for electromagnetics and passive microwave circuits.