CNR - Primo Ricercatore

Area di ricerca:
Marta Parazzini received the M Sc. degree in Biomedical Engineering from the Politecnico di Milano, Italy, in 2000. In 2004 she received the Ph.D. degree in Bioengineering and the European Doctorate from the Politecnico di Milano. From 2005 to 2013 she was Research Scientist at the Institute of Biomedical Engineering of the Italian National Research Council (ISIB CNR). In Sepember 2013 she joined the Institute of Electronics, Computer and Telecommunication Engineering (IEIIT) of the Italian National Research Council (CNR) as Research Scientist. Her primary research interests are the study of the interaction of electromagnetic fields (EMF) with biological systems, the computational dosimetry of EMF, the study of possible effects of EMF on health and the medical applications of EMF, in particular the techniques for non-invasive brain stimulating.
At present she is involved in the following project: i) EU project “ARIMMORA – Advanced Research on Interaction Mechanisms of electroMagnetics exposure with Organisms for Risk Assessment” (2011-2014, Contract N. 282891); ii) EU project Fp7-ENV-2013 GERONIMO “Generalised EMF Research using Novel Methods - an integrated approach: from research to risk assessment and support to risk management”(2014-2018, Grant agreement 603794); iii) the COST Action European network for innovative uses of EMFs in biomedical applications (EMF-MED)”.
She is member elected of the Council of the European BioElectromagnetics Association (EBEA) and member of the Italian National Bioengineering Group. Since 2001 she is Lecturer at the Politecnico di Milano for the course of "Bioelettromagnetismo e Strumentazione biomedica" at the Biomedical Engineering Course.