Professore Associato

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Premio Emilio Gatti e Franco Manfredi
Pagine dei corsi tenuti dalla docente
Premio Emilio Gatti e Franco Manfredi
Born in Milano, Italy, on December 6th, 1972, Laurea degree in Physics (1996) at the Università degli Studi, Milano, Italy, discussing a thesis on "Confinamento di elettroni in rivelatori a semiconduttore: proposta di un nuovo rivelatore a deriva controllata" - (Electrons confinement in semiconductor detectors: proposal of a new controlled-drift detector). From 1996 up to 1999 she attended the Ph.D. in Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering at the Politecnico di Milano. In 1997 she obtained the grant of the Fondazione Monsignor Giandomenico Pini for young researchers. In 1999 she took part in the competition for Assistant Professor in Electronics (K01X) and she obtained the suitability for the roll. In 2000 she obtained the Ph.D. in Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering at the Politecnico di Milano. From 1999 up to February 2001 she had a research contract with the Politecnico di Milano, Italy - Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione. Since March 2001 she has been working as an Assistant Professor of Electronics at the Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione.